Better Concrete Crack Repair Quebec Sep 10th, 2015 [viewed 4 times] |
Concrete steps come into contact with a lot of elements on a daily basis. With time, they start cracking and break. Steps which have cracked are a health hazard to those living in the premises. That is why concrete crack repair Quebec is emphasized to prevent the accidents which may follow. The first step in the repair process is cleaning the damaged part of the step. All sand, dirt, gravel and cement must be removed using a brush with stiff wires. An l-shaped form is required for assisting in the fixing of the material. It can be made by joining together the pieces by use of a duct tape. It is then aligned and placed at the damaged steps corner such that it is at the same level with the steps. When you are done making and laying down the form, the next thing is to lubricate it. A coat of sprayed cooking oil in the inside prevents sticking of the wood on the fresh concretes. Next, apply a bonding liquid. Make use of a brush when applying the latex liquid for bonding with the freshly new concretes. Mix concretes and sand as per the directions that come with the package. The dry mix is then poured onto a wheelbarrow that is sturdy. Add water and then do the mixing using a shovel. When the mixture is ready to be used, dampen the concrete with garden hose. Application of the bonding agent has to be done quickly. A paintbrush with stiff wires ought to be used and the application should be at the edges which have been undercut. The instructions from the manufacturer should be adhered to. The agent been used for bonding has to be spread on the edge evenly but the inside surface should not be covered entirely. A trowel should be used in leveling the old and new concretes. The boarded steps cavities should also be filled using the concretes. This is effectively done by use of a trowel but a shovel can also be used. After doing this, the concrete is sliced to release air which might have been trapped inside and then the concrete is packed inside the edges firmly. Leveling follows thereafter so that the new and old steps appear to be at the same level. The concretes poured should be smoothened using a wood float. You should be careful to hold the level of the float on old surface and new edge. The edge that is poured hardens after forty five minutes. The surface is then smoothened again using the same wood float. This is important for matching textures of the older concretes. When you wait for the water at the concrete to be absorbed, you will get smoother finish. Use a clean trowel to smoothen the edges of the steps carefully. Then, the wood form and the duct tape are removed and the cement kept moist. A sprinkler may be used in the moistening at frequencies of two to three times in a day. This is to be carried out for about three days. Thereafter, moistening is to be done twice weekly. Find a summary of the benefits you get when you use commercial concrete repair Quebec services and more info about a reliable service provider at http://www.fissure-fondation.com/process.php?lang=EN right now. |