How To Choose The Best Commercial Pasta Cooker For Your Needs Sep 9th, 2015 [viewed 7 times] |
Pasta is popular with families because it is tasty, nutritious and cheap, and there are lots of different ways of preparing it. What puts some people off from having it more often is the need to boil it in a large pot of hot water and then drain it afterwards. Getting your arms around a large pot is difficult enough, without having to tip it over and hoping you get at least most of it in the colander and not down the sink. Certain types of commercial pasta cooker take the danger out of making spaghetti and meatballs. There are several different types of spaghetti maker. The most basic don't even require you to use your stove top, although maybe you will need a microwave. The most straightforward way to cook spaghetti is to place it into a heat-resistant cylinder, pour boiling water over it and wait. The simplest type consists of a cylinder that is tall enough to cook spaghetti. Here, you just pour in boiling water, pop on the lid and let the water do its work. The cylinder method is fun for cookouts. The cylinder is made from toughened plastic that can withstand the hot water. You would not want to try cooking spaghetti in your plastic storage container. On the other hand, the good thing about the microwave version is, if you get the water measurement right, there is no messy draining to do at the end. If there is any leftover water, you can scoop out the cooked strands with a handy spaghetti spoon. If you suitably sized equipment, you can place a strainer inside a big soup kettle. When the spaghetti is ready, just lift out the colander and drain it right over the pot in which you boiled it. You can also purchase a big pot with the spaghetti strainer inside. The product is specially produced for this purpose and both parts fit perfectly together. The spaghetti pot can function as a seafood boil pot if you are preparing a low country boil. A low country boil is a southern dish consisting of whole crab, shrimp, corn on the cob, potatoes and sausages. Low country boils are popular at church socials, fundraising events or even in the backyard. The best thing about a low country boil as far as the cook is concerned is that it takes only one pot, and the meal can be served on several thicknesses of newspaper while everybody just dives in. No washing up! At the high end of the range are the multifunctional models that run on electricity. You can use it to cook rice or slow-cook roasts, stews and other recipes. Be sure to purchase the optional stirring attachment; this ensures that the pasta cooks evenly. If you have limited storage space, then the all-singing, all-dancing electric version is best. You can cook oatmeal, rice and chicken stew, although preferably not all at once. Just add the ingredients and press the start button. A child can do it. Any one of these devices can help ensure that you do not have a nasty accident with scalding hot water. Cooking macaroni, linguine, spaghetti, all forms of pasta, is safe and easy. Cooking pasta is an excellent way to introduce your children to cooking. Find a complete summary of the benefits of owning a commercial pasta cooker and view our selection of pasta cookers at http://stores.cajunrocketpot.com/cajun-rocket-pasta-lobster-cookers right now. |